SAVVY shops! Nifty gifts with local ties: A Charmed Garden

Savvy, eh? Not about candles, apparently.

Until yesterday I had no idea that most scented candles are toxic. That the “petro-soot” given off by paraffin candles is as carcinogenic as diesel fumes or secondhand smoke. That the “natural fragrances” in most aromatherapy candles are synthetic and have no healing properties.

I saw the light after a chat with Berwyn gardener, Anglophile and home cook extraordinaire, Sandy Dalby, hands-on proprietor of A Charmed Garden, a line of organic candles, sprays, soaps and such.

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The newest of A Charmed Garden’s eight therapeutic candles, the holiday-inspired “Cheer” candle combines balsam fir, peppermint and clove.


Don’t let the professional packaging fool you – Sandy cooks up every candle herself in the kitchen of her restored farmhouse.



Each is made from 100-percent vegetable wax (no paraffins), wicks are simple cotton twists (no toxic lead) and scents come directly from essential plant oils.

It’s too bad the oils can’t be extracted from Sandy’s own gorgeous garden. If she harvested her lavender walk, for example, she says she’d only get enough oil for about a quarter of a candle!

Sandy’s candles have both cold and a hot “throws,” which means you get the healing properties of the oils, lit or unlit. (Sandy says studies show inhaling real aromatherapy candles actually changes brain chemistry. Who knew?)

If you want your whole house to smell like apple pie or pine needles, by all means buy elsewhere.

But if you want a healthy, healing, long-burning flame with a subtle scent, pay a virtual visit to A Charmed Garden. Candles are $42. Linen sprays are $11, body mists and home sprays $14, hand soaps and shower gels $28.