Press Coverage from Home + Table Magazine

Sharing the generous press coverage from the recently launched Home & Table magazine.

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Breathe Deep

A Berwyn-based aromatherapy line starts with the plant and grows from there.

Photo credit: Courtesy A Charmed Garden
How deep can a scent penetrate? It depends how receptive you are. That it can trigger a physical reaction is indisputable. Do you not salivate, even just a little, when you catch a whiff of a skirt steak charring? So it’s not just savvy marketing by Bed Bath & Beyond that the right dose of jasmine could lull you to sleep. Though, its methods beyond that point are questionable. Sandy Dalby’s are not. The Berwyn-based horticulturalist recently began adding to her own budding line of aromatherapy candles, lotions and soaps called, naturally, A Charmed Garden. Think of essential oils as uber-concentrated versions of the plants from which they’re extracted. (That’s why our tastes tend to follow the seasons, Dalby says.) The purer the oil, the greater its potency. Now consider this: One of Dalby’s large candles (14 ounces; $42) contains up to 600 drops of organic essential oils. Aromatherapy isn’t strictly about inducing calm. Dalby blends French lavender and juniper berry to help spark an energetic and optimistic reaction. The candles are made from vegetable wax, the wicks from cotton twist, which means they’ll burn clean and, Dalby says, “actually help to cleanse the air.” —Christina Scordia


What is Frankincense Good For? 8 Essential Oil Uses

As the Christmas Season approaches we look back at one of the most biblical and historic essential oils, frankincense, which was one of the gifts the Magi gave baby Jesus in the manger.


Since the early days of Christianity, Biblical scholars and theologians have offered varying interpretations of the meaning and significance of the gold, frankincense and myrrh that the magi presented to Jesus, according to the Gospel of Matthew (2:11). These valuable items were standard gifts to honor a king or deity in the ancient world: gold as a precious metal, frankincense as perfume or incense, and myrrh as anointing oil. In fact, these same three items were apparently among the gifts, recorded in ancient inscriptions, that King Seleucus II Callinicus offered to the god Apollo at the temple in Miletus in 243 B.C.E. The Book of Isaiah, when describing Jerusalem’s glorious restoration, tells of nations and kings who will come and “bring gold and frankincense and shall proclaim the praise of the Lord” (Isaiah 60:6). Although Matthew’s gospel does not include the names or number of the Magi, many believe that the number of the gifts is what led to the tradition of the Three Wise Men.

As we celebrate this season of giving we want to share the benefits of the precious Frankincense Essential Oil which we also include as a key ingredient in our Inviting Organic Candle which is spiritual in nature and useful in our everyday lives as an aid to meditation and prayer.


The other benefits of Frankincense Essential Oil follow:

1. Helps Reduce Stress Reactions & Negative Emotions

When inhaled, it has been shown to reduce heart rate and high blood pressure. It has anti-anxiety and depression reducing abilities, but unlike prescription medications it does not have negative side effects and does not cause unwanted drowsiness.

2. Helps Boost Immune System Function and Prevents Illness

Studies have demonstrated that frankincense has immune enhancing abilities which may help destroy dangerous bacteria, viruses, and even cancers. (1) It can be used to prevent germs from forming on the skin, mouth, or in your home too. This is the reason many people choose to use frankincense of naturally relieving oral health problems; the antiseptic qualities of this oil can help prevent gingivitis, bad breath, cavities, toothaches, mouth sores, and other infections from occurring. (2) (3)

3. May Help Fight Cancer, or Deal with Chemotherapy Side Effects

Frankincense oil has been shown to help fight cells of specific types of cancer. (4) A 2012 study even found that a chemical compound found in frankincense called AKBA is successful at killing cancer cells that have become resistant to chemotherapy.

4. Astringent, Kills Harmful Germs and Bacteria

Frankincense is an antiseptic and disinfectant. It has the ability to eliminate cold and flu germs from the home and the body naturally and can be used in place of chemical household cleaners. (5)

5. Heals Skin and Prevents Signs of Aging

Frankincense has the ability to strengthen skin and improve its tone, elasticity, defense mechanisms against bacteria or blemishes, and appearance as someone ages. It helps tone and lift skin, reduces appearance of scars and acne, and heals wounds. (6) It can also be beneficial for fading of stretch marks, surgery scars or marks associated with pregnancy, and for healing dry or cracked skin.
miling African American Woman6. Balances Hormone Levels

Frankincense oil reduces symptoms associated with menstruation and menopause by balancing hormone levels. It can help relieve pain, cramps, constipation, headaches, anxiety, nausea, fatigue, and mood swings. Frankincense oil also helps with regulating estrogen production and reduces the risk of tumor or cyst development in pre-menopausal women.

7. Eases Digestion

Frankincense helps the digestive system to properly detox and to produce bowel movements, reduces pain and cramping in the stomach, can relieve nausea, helps to flush out excess water from the abdomen that can cause bloating, and even relieves PMS-related stomach pains.

(7) It does this by speeding up the secretion of digestive enzymes, increasing urination production, relaxing the muscles of the digestive tract, and also helps to improve circulation which is needed for proper digestive health. It has been shown to be beneficial in reducing symptoms of leaky gut syndrome, chronic colitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and IBS. (8)

8. Acts as a Sleep Aid

Frankincense essential oil is useful in lowering levels of anxiety or chronic stress that can keep you up at night. It has a calming, grounding scent that can naturally help you to fall asleep. It helps open breathing passages, allows your body to reach an ideal sleeping temperature, and can eliminate pain that keeps you up.

9. Helps Decrease Inflammation and Pain

Frankincense can inhibit the production of key inflammatory molecules associated with conditions like arthritis, asthma, painful bowel disorders like IBS, and many more conditions. (9) It can be useful in helping to prevent the breakdown of the cartilage tissue and has been shown to significantly reduce levels of dangerous and painful inflammation, making it a natural treatment option for pain-related conditions that effect the muscles, joints, and tendons.



Benefits Of Essential Oils: 10 Natural Ways To Heal Yourself

The Huffington Post Canada | By Terri Coles

We all know about the everyday power of scent: how a particular perfume reminds you of your mother, or when the smell of your favourite restaurant brings you back to your first date there. But did you know that some scents can actually improve your health? Essential oils can also help you relax or sleep, or improve your skin or digestion — their benefits go well beyond a pleasant smell.


“Essential oils can have a healing effect mentally, physically, and emotionally,” said Brianna Scarpelli, a marketer and expert on essential oils with Young Living Essential Oils. You can apply them directly onto your skin, inhaling, or use through a diffuser.”

Technically, essential oils aren’t oils at all, as they lack fatty acids. Rather, they’re highly concentrated plant components. It can take a huge amount of a plant to get out even a small portion of essential oil — 4,000 pounds of Bulgarian roses are needed to get just one pound of oil, for example. This is why some essential oils are particularly expensive.

There are some general tips for using essential oils that apply regardless of the type. Scarpelli advised looking for signs of a high-quality therapeutic-grade oil: pure, medicinal, and steam distilled. Never apply most oils directly to your skin, as their high concentration can cause a reaction or irritation. Instead, essential oils should be diluted with water or a carrier oil like jojoba or almond. And with a few exceptions, as noted below, do not ingest essential oils. And always talk to your doctor about health concerns, especially if they represent sudden changes in your well-being.


The 10 oils below will help you assemble a natural first-aid kit for a variety of common minor ailments. Many of these oils are used in the handmade collection of essential oils products for the body, bath and home by Sandy Dalby of A Charmed Garden.

1. Tea Tree: Distilled from the Australian plant Melaleuca alternifloria, tea tree is one of the oils that can be used topically — good news, because it’s great for treating skin problems like fungus and blemishes. You can dab it on acne blemishes with a cotton swab to help clear your skin, or apply it to skin fungal infections like athlete’s foot. It’s also found in many skin care products.

2. Lavender: “Lavender is one of the most versatile oils,” Scarpelli said. “It is more commonly known for its relaxing effects but works on bruises, cuts, and skin irritation too.” Dr. Oz says that the scent of lavender can reduce the levels of stress hormones in your blood. That’s a good reason to put a few drops in your bath in order to help you relax at night. Scarpelli recommends putting a couple of drops of the oil on your hands, rubbing them together and inhaling, then sprinkle a few more on your pillow before you hop in bed.

3. Calendula: Bright-orange calendula flowers are also known as marigold. Calendula can be used in a variety of forms, include as an essential oil. It’s particularly good for sensitive skin and can be used to reduce the appearance of acne scars. You can also put a drop in your bath water to soothe psoriasis.

4. Chamomile: You’re probably familiar with chamomile used as a tea, but the essential oil has similar properties. It’s particularly well known for its relaxing effects, which is why the tea is popular to drink before bed. Add to the effect with a few drops of the oil on your pillowcase.

5. Peppermint: “Peppermint purifies and stimulates the mind. It also can increase mental alertness,” Scarpelli advised. “Dr. William N. Denver of the University of Cinncinati found that inhaling peppermint oil increased mental accuracy by 28 percent.” Peppermint oil is also one of just a handful of oils that can be taken internally, which is fortunate because it’s a great recipe to help indigestion — just mix a few drops in water and drink.

6. Frankincense: Nina Nelson of the blog Shalom Mama says that frankincense is a must-have essential oil in her home. She uses it both for relaxation, such as in baths, and to help minor cuts and bug bites heal more quickly. “Frankincense has been used for thousands of years,” Scarpelli said. “It can be used for depression, inflammation, immunity, and to increase spiritual awareness.”

7. Oregano: You may have heard of oil of oregano as a flu fighter. This strong-tasting oil has naturally antibacterial qualities, which is why many think it can help to fight colds and other sicknesses. It is taken topically, often by putting a few drops on the tongue — the taste isn’t pleasant but many people swear by it during flu season.

8. Lemon: “Lemon oil can be used not only to detox the body but it can also help with acne,” Scarpelli said. If you want a healthy boost in alertness, a bit of lemon oil mixed 50:50 with a carrier is a great way to give your head a lift. Because of its uplifiting properties, lemon essential oil is also good for increasing focus and concentration. As a bonus, it can help keep fleas away when used on your pets.


9. Grapefruit: Another citrus oil, grapefruit essential oil has properties similar to lemon oil. It’s a great choice for people experiencing fatigue and it can help you deal with the effects of jet lag. It’s also a natural antiseptic so you can add it to your homemade household cleansers to keep your home safe and clean.

10. Eucalyptus: This is a great oil to have on hand if you get frequent colds or suffer from allergies that affect your breathing and make you congested. “Eucalyptus can be used to relieve sore muscles and help clear sinuses,” Scarpelli said. “It also has many antibacterial properties and has been known to stimulate the immune system.” Use it in a vaporizer to loosen up a congested chest or apply it diluted to the inside of your nose to relieve nasal congestion. But never ingest it or use it on your skin undiluted, as it can be irritating.

SAVVY shops! Nifty gifts with local ties: A Charmed Garden

Savvy, eh? Not about candles, apparently.

Until yesterday I had no idea that most scented candles are toxic. That the “petro-soot” given off by paraffin candles is as carcinogenic as diesel fumes or secondhand smoke. That the “natural fragrances” in most aromatherapy candles are synthetic and have no healing properties.

I saw the light after a chat with Berwyn gardener, Anglophile and home cook extraordinaire, Sandy Dalby, hands-on proprietor of A Charmed Garden, a line of organic candles, sprays, soaps and such.

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The newest of A Charmed Garden’s eight therapeutic candles, the holiday-inspired “Cheer” candle combines balsam fir, peppermint and clove.


Don’t let the professional packaging fool you – Sandy cooks up every candle herself in the kitchen of her restored farmhouse.



Each is made from 100-percent vegetable wax (no paraffins), wicks are simple cotton twists (no toxic lead) and scents come directly from essential plant oils.

It’s too bad the oils can’t be extracted from Sandy’s own gorgeous garden. If she harvested her lavender walk, for example, she says she’d only get enough oil for about a quarter of a candle!

Sandy’s candles have both cold and a hot “throws,” which means you get the healing properties of the oils, lit or unlit. (Sandy says studies show inhaling real aromatherapy candles actually changes brain chemistry. Who knew?)

If you want your whole house to smell like apple pie or pine needles, by all means buy elsewhere.

But if you want a healthy, healing, long-burning flame with a subtle scent, pay a virtual visit to A Charmed Garden. Candles are $42. Linen sprays are $11, body mists and home sprays $14, hand soaps and shower gels $28.

Real Essential Oils are the Key Ingredient of our Therapeutic Candles

What are the differences between fragrance oils and essential oils?



Fragrance oils are usually synthetic, although they can smell like natural flowers, plants or fruits. Sometimes both fragrance oils and essential oils are used in a fragrance blend so would not necessarily be considered “natural” by those looking for aromatherapy type scents.

On the other hand, fragrance oils are frequently referred to as “aromatherapy” scents. Technically, they don’t have the medicinal or therapeutic properties of essential oils, but that doesn’t mean they won’t cheer you up. Also, fragrance oils provide more scent selections at a cheaper price, as almost any scent can be duplicated synthetically in the lab.

Essential oils are plant based and made using distillation, cold pressing or they’re extracted with a solvent like alcohol. These processes gets the “essence” out of the plants to be used for medicinal purposes or for bath and body products.

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Essential oils tend to be more expensive because obtaining them requires more effort. For example, according to the “Roses” article on, it takes 30 roses to make 1 drop of essential oil and 60,000 roses to make one ounce. Since you can use up to half an ounce of essential oil per pound of wax in candle making, you can imagine how expensive that would be to use in candles.

Some of the different healing properties of essential oils

Peppermint is known to make people feel more refreshed and awake, so it’s an invigorating essential oil to add to candles. Citrus scents fall into this category as well. Citronella essential oil and lemongrass are also used in insect repellent candles.

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Lavender is famous for relaxation and is used for reducing stress, while cinnamon and rose are good for romantic evenings.

Essential oils and heat

Some essentials oils are very delicate and don’t react well to heat. This means that scented candles made with essential oils will not always smell as strong as candles made with fragrance oils. (If that’s what you want, it’s a good thing!) Certain essential oils smell stronger than others. A few examples are: lavender, patchouli and lemongrass.

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What about allergies?

It’s possible to have allergic and/or adverse reactions to essential oils as well as fragrance oils. If you’re making soap or massage candles, it’s important to make sure whatever you’re using is skin safe. Because both soap and massage candles come in contact with skin, it makes more sense to use essential oils because the body can absorb the therapeutic properties better.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both, so the choice depends on individual preference, scent desire and of course budget. Shop A Charmed Garden to receive the therapeutic benefits of our handmade essential oil candles, plus our exclusive body, bath and home care as well.


More Energy, Better Sleep, Less Stress…


It seems that most people today are looking for ways to make their lives a little bit better.  More energy, better sleep, less stress, more calm.  It’s true that the pace of life seems to have increased, rather like turning up the volume on the radio, and we need to find a way to turn it back down.  That’s why I created this range of therapeutic products that will help your senses get to that place they’re longing to be….naturally.

Different cultures around the world, and down through the ages, have known and utilized the power of plants.  Given to us by nature they have been here all along, long before modern medicine synthesized chemicals to treat illness.  These plants have precious oils contained in them that scientists have now studied and found that the molecular composition in each has properties to heal the body.  I have long been interested in learning what the ancients knew, and I believe that what is old is new again.  People are learning to go beyond the constricts of chemical solutions to the natural cures we have always had access to, just most of us don’t know about them or how to use them.  That’s why I created this line of treatment products.  Not only do they smell amazing but they can help you manage your moods.  Follow us on Facebook and twitter to find more ways include them in your day to day life….

Sandy Dalby